Mercy is another name for God
In the same way that Love is another name for God.
When we combine them we get the loving mercy of our God.
What does God’s mercy mean?
Does it mean he is there for us in the dark days?
Well it does, but it’s even better than that.
It means he is looking for us, always looking out for us, wants us well, wants us safe.
The mercy of God ensures we are not lost forever.
The mercy of God means no darkness, no sickness, no suffering will prevail.
The mercy of God means Death does not get the last word.
The mercy of God is our pathway to light happiness and peace.
The mercy of God is the gateway to Heaven.
The mercy of God is offered to us, not thrust upon us.
It is an open embrace, at times we manage to return it, if even only to fall into it.
The mercy of God is not deserved.
Nor is it earned.
God’s Mercy is given freely with compunction
On this Divine Mercy Sunday let us renew our gratitude for Mercy. Divine Mercy.
Let us be thankful that he died so that we would not die in our sin.
Let’s pray again with our whole heart.
Lord have Mercy on me, a sinner, Amen.


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