Summer 1917 14.05.2017

It was certainly one of the first religious stories that I heard. It was probably around the same time that I first saw The Sound of Music. I was going around humming My Favourite Things. When I wasn’t humming the big songs from the film I was taking pop shots at the Germans. I think at one stage I even fancied myself as Captain Von Trapp strumming Edelweiss. These were the days when I was just beginning to love Read more…

THE FACE 07.05.2017

Last Sunday’s Gospel told us that after a period of confusion or uncertainty the disciples reached a point of clarity. It is at the moment when he breaks the bread that they know for sure it is Jesus. They recognise the Lord in the profound and sacred moment in which they have become accustomed to meeting him. This, for me, is one of the most moving stories in the Gospels. The disciples are so low, so disappointed, so downhearted. Read more…

NED RICE – AN IRISH GEM 30.04.2017

Growing up in Callan in Kilkenny in the 1760s and 70s I guess you were both rich and poor. Politically and socially it was not an easy time. Neither was it a time of plenty. There was poverty. Yet for you, you had the joy and richness of both family and faith. You were a member of a big family, two families really. I am sure there was much chat, and music and dance. I think of Callan Read more…


One of the beautiful gospel passages we hear at this time of year is an encounter between Mary of Magdala and the Risen Jesus. Like so many Gospel passages it is both moving and challenging. It is at one and the same time comforting and disturbing. The text I am referring to is found in chapter twenty of St. John, verse eleven to eighteen. The word weeping is repeated several times. Clearly Mary is in great distress. The events Read more…

Bart’s Letter 16.04.2017

my dear Ruth it is so hard to find words for this the two greatest extremes in my life the cruellest and most crushing of disappointments and within a few days a boundless joy that really defies words these few years have been exciting, frightening and beautiful and so much more long periods away from home out on the road watching him in action and wow what action i understand how difficult it is for Read more…

APPLAUSE 09.04.2017

‘When I get an encore I go home feeling like a king..!’ Christy Moore We all love to be loved! It’s natural, it’s part of the way we are made. It’s good when this happens in a wholesome way. It’s always better when praise or applause comes our way without us going out of our way to get it. Sadly sometimes such praise is very hollow and very short lived. We quickly learn to distinguish between the over Read more…


‘Tear down this wall, Mr. Gorbachev!!‘ So goes the famous line from President Reagan. It was an exciting time. It was a time of hope. Shortly after this I went with a friend to this very spot and witnessed the now partly demolished wall. Today there is much talk of building a wall. Once again it would be to keep people out. There was once a wall in my city, in Belfast. Ironically enough it was called the ‘peace Read more…


Do you have a friend that you can really talk to? Is there someone you would sit up chatting with real late at night? Is there someone with whom you could sit in the coffee shop, but you could not drink another coffee and actually Starbucks are thinking of charging you rent, such is the flow of conversation? Maybe you do not meet often but when you do the reconnecting is seamless. Are you blessed enough to have a Read more…


Lord, FOR OUR ABUSE OF POWER Forgive Us and Show Us Your Mercy ST. ITA Pray For Us Lord, FOR THE HARSH WORD Forgive Us and Show Us Your Mercy ST. MEL Pray For Us Lord, FOR THE CRUEL ACT Forgive Us and Show Us Your Mercy ST. MONINNE Pray For Us Lord, FOR PUTTING A PRICE ON A BABY’S HEAD Forgive Us and Show Us Your Mercy ST. KIERAN Pray For Us Lord, FOR PUTTING Read more…


I arise today in a mighty strength, calling upon the Trinity, believing in the Three Persons, saying they are One, thanking my Creator. The sirens dance and flood late into the night. Casualty Departments, groaning beyond capacity, the young guard stabbed trying to separate two drunken ‘friends’! I think we often forget he came to us twice. The one we now call our National Saint, Our Patron! Patrick. The first time he came screaming and kicking!! Forcibly Read more…