New, exciting, different and challenging are words that come to mind when I think of the Roncalli project/community. These are attractive words, each one of them exuding their own energy.
However there are some other vital ingredients that I consider essential to any discussion on Roncalli.
Roncalli is Gospel Based. It is rooted in Sacred Scripture. It takes its cue from the Second Vatican Council.
Roncalli is a new way of being Church. It is a new way of doing ministry. I believe Roncalli could become a small beacon of hope for the future of the Church. It has grown out of my experience of the hurt and hurtful, the abused and the abusing, the wounded and wounding aspects of Church. In other words it acknowledges our brokenness and our constant need for God’s mercy.
The Roncalli Community, consisting of lay women, lay men, Religious women and men and one or two priests, will live in the former convent. They will through prayer, discussion, recreation and the support of the wider parish community seek to build a community which will be the hub or centre of our parish and will serve the needs of the parish. I will give some leadership to it in it’s early stages though I would be hopeful that it would, sooner rather than later, be lay led.
My aim is to be at the Roncalli table but not the head of it.
If you have further questions please address them to me and I will address them in upcoming Roncalli Rants. Indeed if you would like to know more about this please let me know and keep an eye out for information in this space for details of the upcoming Roncalli Meeting.
Meanwhile please keep all th’s in your prayer, including myself, as I will you, fraternally, JoeMcD.