We are not coming back from this. There will be no return to normality. Normality is being rewritten forever. Let’s say a sombre but sure farewell to what we called normal life. The ongoing debacle with corona is changing us. The change is happening as we speak. It is rapid, relentless and irreversible. The change that is being effected is deeper than economics and even deeper than health itself. Indeed the change is deeper still. To plumb the depths of this change we need to go into our very soul.

No, this is not going away. The certainty of what we had is gone and gone forever. So much of the severe and rising anxiety is fed by fear of the unknown. In fact there is no need to be afraid. We will come through this. It is so important to use this time well. The time we have between now and when it is over is a wonderful opportunity which itself will come and go. We will come through it changed. We will be changed fundamentally and forever. This change is good. We will be better. Here are but a few of the ways in which we will be changed, and changed for the better.

We will value life more.

We will be more grateful for the precious gift of health.

We will adopt zero tolerance for an inferior heath system.

We will be more passionate about mental health.

We will realise that we neglect our spiritual well being at our peril.

We will learn afresh the beauty of intimacy.

We will rediscover the difference between loneliness and solitude.

We will get back to the basics of: Thank you, I am sorry’ and I love you.

We will embrace the healing balm of sacred silence.

We will celebrate once again that amongst the greatest works of art is each other.

In all this the question of where we come from and to where are we going will receive a new impetus.

This will deepen our relationship with the Lord. This Lent will prepare us for becoming more than ever an Easter people.

Fraternally Joe McD


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